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Session Three

Song: Hello, Hello

Hello, Hello, how are you?
Hello, Hello, how are you?
How are you?
How are you today?

I am fine; I am great
I am fine;
I am just great
I am fine; I am great
I'm very well today!

​Hello, Hello, how are you?
Hello, Hello, how are you?
Hello, Hello, How are you?
How are you today?

I am hungry; I am tired
I am hungry; I am tired
I am hungry; I am tired

Final Poster

The last touches will be given to conclude with the poster having the organization of the groups established last class so that each one concludes their respective cards according to the established national symbol and in this way can be presented to their classmates.  

The children will perform the final exhibition on the national symbols recognizing the vocabularies obtained throughout the different sessions receiving help from their peers in things that they omi

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